12 October 2009

Make. Them. Filibuster.

Seriously. If the knuckle-draggers want to threaten a filibuster on health care, MAKE THEM DO IT! How many hours/days/weeks/months will the public stand for the spectacle of the Party of No and their Blue Dog conservative Democrat allies blocking all work in the Senate? How long before their whole house of ideological cards crashes down around them?

Harry Reid needs to borrow some balls (try the House, there seem to be some extras over there) and take a stand on the public option. Get a bill on the floor and force a vote. Let's see how long the opposition lasts when it is exposed to the light of day, rather than making backroom deals.

No more threats. No more "compromise." The D's hold a position of strength and the public wants action.

Make. Them. Filibuster.