07 November 2006

No Time To Gloat: Get To Work Dems!

Watching the returns pile in the news is almost universally good-- the house has tipped dramatically, the senate is still in play but will end up very close to even. Here in Minnesota Republicans have lost 13 seats on their way to becoming the minority party in the house, and lost another 5 seats in the senate. Even the draconian South Dakota abortion measure appears to have failed by a wide margin. The only major disappointment so far was Patty Wetterling's defeat in Minnesota's 6th district...we'll have to keep a close eye on Bachman because she's something of a conservative loon. Thankfully she'll be a freshman rep in a demoralized and disorganized minority, so can do little damage before having to stand for re-election in 2008. (Note to DFL: Patty was a good candidate but it's time to find someone else to run for this seat.)

Meanwhile, free advice to the Democrats: don't gloat and get right to work. You've been handed power for a reason and have a very short period to prove yourselves worthy of keeping it. 2008 remains wide open and the Republicans could easily reorganize and take back the house if you don't deal honestly and openly with the agenda the people are calling for. That means action on Iraq, oversight of the administration (hearings yes, impeachment no), reform on health care, more support for education, a more enlightened energy policy, and the end of religious extremists dictating policy on topics like medical research, education, and science. Oh- and perhaps a bit of attention to the environment when you get around to it.

But I wouldn't blame the Dems for marginalizing at least a few R's in the house-- say anyone from Leadership that still has a seat. Have fun being irrelevant Denny H.!

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